Monday, November 21, 2022

 To cement the lunar surface within the domain prescribed as the general site, the level of regolith to bedrock should be measured in advance or in situ.  This proportion may affect which area to cement, taking into account too the various sized rocks in different density populating the surface as well as the levelness of the ground plane. 

The depths of regolith to bedrock may be relevant when considering to what depths the cementing should occur, and also risk factors insofar as equipment safety as well as stability of the eventual foundation. General consideration to site involves the amount of debris that have to be transported and moved to alternative locations, and the average slope to zero which is desirable for any installation that has to be lowered with approximation.

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hello Architecture, which hitherto was inseparable from the earth, is separating itself from it by expanding towards the universe. -Kishinev Kurokawa