Saturday, August 17, 2024

(to confirm this reply-msg to person to space discipline presumed as about world of commerce Postdated six months to a year, 202408 )

 TELEGRAPH> August 12, 2024 Monday

Braked on major practicuum in the future yet. Tesla estate philosophy found defense arguments by America Returns Future yes. Printouts to Interest like and space recruits. Business For Freedom takes smaller worlds where issued the globe as in Keplerian adoration of the . Have you seen picture like mine of Mars. All the Ballpark. 


Enclosed letter

To merry presentation anticipating quiet tour by only verifiable friends of expertise and proof like gold, pending upon current travel issues and available access per staff needs,

Near the time when I began a personal letter then expanded in what lot we had hoped to come into the horizon’s sight but where surprise cued violence out of expectations did delay in ways concerned by more than reasonable that even fares to war was signed. Hope could translate here today near tomorrow but kin of love and lot by fame told stories not by real events delayed further hope even when enemies to the public were taken in before urgencies demanded slips to attend only momentarily. My own companies fear that jest itself had been compared to no man’s Justice, even report men of forks and knives had removed a Justice under guise of tabloid politics as American engagements spectated by many now viewed by one or more countries previously friends. So free the lasting memory of fathers before, as you have read in the literary speech copy for the popular crowds. Meek, I thought, here closer speech to hear news from your companies in what reached me before around February and this month and the previous also how real a modeled and sculpted original design but sported rumors and gossips which sympathy lends intimately coverage by newspapers seek further development via as such a concept hopefully amongst others in my elevator pitch of COMMREAL; while my gratitude to those who offered new models of Hot Wheels toy cars, implying kindly past and future works. The enemy is a difference that lazes, or held by syndrome not intriguing; for my ways towards what fields, what span, what vacuum there is light here and assuming light at an end to the span. This writing under surveillance, my wish to arrive where here is I an architect who recovers swiftly health and free wandering by mind to printouts moreover from the decade busy with lesser details but a showcase and a residence to raise over decades into century this dream to so many stalled by such as nonpayment and unusual mentality s describable only as senselessness, according to another - may this migrant condition cease so merry and full soon in this span of this time. 



Monday, July 8, 2024

From log of dialog today with astronauts of Apollo, and other initial conceptual notes on what sought to Uncle Sam’s Studio

[account personal regarding decades of work at home and abroad concerning the relation between proposed utility and actual over term utility of traditional scales, that weigh in metric values the balance between mass and gravitational pull countered or other-wise, for determining how rights to voyage in flight for instance specific at airports for each individual, and subsequent non subscription by personal observations by many even pilots, to what later understood to be of much importance for the American efforts for presidency over the nation-state of the United States of America, ie. “I am the President The United States of America” on many planes {apparently, 2024 summer in July in. Canada} - visiting many places and peoples [in diplomacy ?]; (while Mr Armstrong, default in charge president likely due long and established history of family and associates and assumed learning and proven works, also visited possibly even at times with formerly mentioned space pilot also, did comparable work thought by many as equally if not significantly important due attention to culture American as welll distinct and other, hoped by this author to also situate in diplomacy field of work that safeguards not only American interest for state and nation and too all other places and peoples beyond our own, to this celestial sphere where we are on the surface of, for peace and for Humanity, this place inside the enormity of what beyond this planet loosely called Outer Space in America. ]

<to half-joking (ie, rel. to “wit”) request for any contribution in slogan or any verbal expression in writing, for transcription in video or audio, to the little known project [first legal document to lay out premises still in writing by this author, this writing whose first draftcopy is nowhere even close to complete {continue to request replacement of this textcopy post random action in modification with nonsensical purposes to that no alteration should be let upon legal basis related to current issue called “intellectual property”} where “in some far far far future in the near near near land of the United States of America, all Americans can come home to the American Dream”, care-of Uncle Sam’s Studio, which now with many efforts still requiring collecting and legal review for promotion of many national agenda including communication requested by the People in the years of term by Mr President Trump beginning in year 2016 and closing in year 2020 and other items such as national morale and future discovery, as well as continuance for manned mission s to Outer Space, the title of this legal document “Petition to Return Home to the United States of America”, which includes the thought for peace and cooperative action allowing communication of findings of Americans at termed residence and at business of all sorts overseas to organized perception and understanding in the US of A:

Ha!!!      .?Aldrin DATETIMEofEntry202407081443






-“c’est mon crime, crème eece, crime ice, crème glace, glass glass glass… creme crime crème bla bla bla ci ci si ca ca ca — crazy thought is random talk”

-“I must telephoner nobody does that even make sense”

Saturday, May 4, 2024

 Leaked from new issue unpublished of Oildrop the tabloid:

"With Artemis secured with the will

of more than one hundred million,

the Apollo astronauts were caught

on hidden camera on Undercover Boss

the syndicated cable television 

series on NMA, the new news media

channel under Trump conglomerate

secretly backed by Google muulti-

billionaire Larry Page and assoc-

iates. Although largely jumbled and

encrypted by forced retirement proto-

cols for personnel whose ranks super-

cede CIA directorship and other equal-

ly revered positions in American citi-

zenship, namely, to work under the

psychiatric label but not category of

“senility” (various spellings), the

apparent disclosure or confession,

unforced, appears to be regarding a

long  viewed as illicit relationship

with a younger man, this implicating

now “Showboat Aldrin”, but this more

than sixty years ago. The implication

directly stated by the pilot to the 

moon is that not only did a sensual 

and sexual relationship occur by 

intention with the famous rockstar

when he was only a mere babe or pebble

star, in fact, it was all under the

consensus of every star aspirant, whe-

ther civilian, military, rock star or

king, or hero “status”. The disclosure

shocked only a few in the audience,

for the actual memory amongst real

Americans consist of the amazing movie

concerning the motion of a gigantic

rock out of the way from hitting our

celestial body the Earth, which foreign-

ers still to date suspect concerns not

all acts of American heroism but the

real but concealed horrors of outer

space. Unrelatedly, the Chinese contin-

ues to insist that the decree for “pin-

min” to no longer look at outer space

if it scares them may truly have come

from imperial society somewhere if not

directly from the personnage who may yet

be busy elsewhere concerning the harmony

of the spheres. Other tabloids fail to

comment at the present time concerning

the verity of this news story which 

probably would have been there for all

to see if not for the unfortunate discu-

ssion all the rage right now about why

cannibis still remains a question despi-

te its overwhelming medicinal value to

a people whose autonomy and independence

was never questioned in the free choice

use or enjoyment of illicit drugs while

other civilizations’ drugs of choice

remain far behind, especially when it

is always pushed rather than offered.

In response to the barrage numbering 

the odd letter that trickles through,

the rockstar Aerosmith could offer only

that stardom has to do with discretion

in using metaphor and imperfect language

to discuss intimacy that is too “touchy-

feely” for most even when those in 

“parent” positions continue to grapple

with vulgar definitions of “abuse”. He

adds further that it is not so much

whether it was this Mr A or that Mr A

who may have committed whatever faux-

pass, but that he had made this choice

for stardom when he was barely more than

one year old and never did he look back.

Canadian psychiatrists continue to agree

at 100% that psychiatric diseases really

exist despite many projections explaining

that after seeing the rockstar Aerosmith,

the chances for the survival of the disci-

pline is null, which some academics do

offer on both sides of the border, in the

word, does begin to explain the mystery

of outer space. Jeff Bezos refuse to

comment yet again."

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

 Today came across the place of Astoria in a book by the name. Considering what it is to defend Artemis. What if we look at atlases, especially and perhaps exclusively to the United States of America, for places related to our dream of spaces. I thought of Astor Place, which is a neighborhood in New York City. But I suspect that due to the long long history of space in America, there are many places in the country with names related to space. Could we call for a petition to defend space and Artemis for the audience of Americans supporting outer space endeavors, in this critical time of next mission of Artemis, our endeavor to prove to ourselves that celestial exploration is real and to continue this culminating nascency in outer space exploration found nearly nowhere else in the nation states, from people and individuals everywhere in special places bearing momento namesakes spanning this great nation?


March 6, 2024 1pm MT

Sunday, October 22, 2023

re: Lunar Operations Complex

 Newest, from today, word from the gentleman Mr A of the Apollo program.

The "shore" at the built formulation will be of Yellow Sand.

(Earlier, the suggestion by yours truly for cruder particles or pieces to scatter about to form a layer above the unforgiving regolith of some particles less than 100nm fairly dangerous or irritating, where but at the built formulation - it is in sea of tranquility)

Monday, August 21, 2023

Letter to NASA

 August 21, 2023

Dear National Astronautics and Aerospace Administration,

I apologize for miss spelling the official title of "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" under the acronym of NASA. The recent events leading to the loss of indices caused me great grief despite that it flatteringly reflected my own losses of minor artworks in the years and decades prior. 

The event of registering my own business "Company of Syene", after the story of the philospher who sent a man from Alexandria to Syene to measure the circumference of the Earth, has now the subsequence of having an acronym as well, with the slogan to follow.  The latter is "We are going to space."

In any event, my visit to Toronto Pearson International Airport Viscount Terminal resulted in visiting other terminals as well, when the exhibition of light art, modern in following of the earlier original light wells' works received visitations by myself and others.

In my time in Calgary looking after architecture which the Old(er) Architect, responsible for this image:

art work to be placed on the Moon to signify the expansion of the sphere of human knowledge, insists is his responsibility to look after, after the skyscraper designs were all mysteriously placed here in this city, built in the recent two and a half decades.

While my dream to reach the moon with my own architectural formulation strives on, as is evident by the envelop which I went to your office at The Johnson Space Center, I am busy preparing legal works to lay foundations to my Space and Earth company. I am also considering running for president despite my visage in appearance and my father, the Old Architect's disapproval.

Meanwhile, a very responsible person tried to right the loss of a secured communication device, but fell a little, even as I pitch for the first time this morning the ideas I think as intrinsic to the continuance of the space program:

The Cosmic Ion:  peace in   Proposition Protection Position Preparation Process

This proposal was added with the idea that we could raise our organization further with the additive action of generating a new program guarding the knowledge related to human space flight and exploration.  Should civil service calls us today, could it not only add to our curriculum vitae, but in a even greater way, our life of knowing of how tomorrow's future's present would feel like?

In all truth, the beginning of the human exploration programs was founded in Americans in human beings and spirit, and though what could bar us but the thought of failure as final, not, but that in tomorrows are all the hope in future and works is the last line to which we dare fall back.

I will remember.



Wednesday, February 22, 2023

"The sea is calm to-night.
The tide is full,
the moon lies fair
Upon the straits; ..."

- Dover Beach, Matthew Arnold

Thursday, February 16, 2023

 Require: development of Land Based Beacon 

for installation on the moon 

to mark location on lunar surface

for such as landing missions precisely or marking sites for built formulations

 I learned today of government backed attempts at initiatives and startups in America and Europe from ESA's website link

and ESA sponsored platform for concept pitching link

and of a new term COMM NAV link

and of ESA involvement with Artemis: "major projects such as the European Service Module (ESM) for NASA’s Orion spacecraft that will send astronauts to the Moon and beyond; Esprit and I-Hab modules to the Gateway, a staging post for missions to the Moon and Mars; the European Large Logistic Lander (EL3) supporting sustainable human expeditions to the Moon and high-level science"

Sunday, January 8, 2023

"quietly shining (them) to the quiet moon"

from The Secret Ministry of Frost, William Wordsworth

Therefore all seasons shall be sweet to thee,
Whether the summer clothe the general earth
With greenness, or the redbreast sit and sing
Betwixt the tufts of snow on the bare branch
Of mossy apple-tree, while the nigh thatch
Smokes in the sun thaw; whether the eave-drops fall
Heard only in the trances of the blast,
Or if the secret ministry of frost
Shall hang them up in quiet icicles,
Quietly shining to the quiet moon.

Monday, November 21, 2022

 To cement the lunar surface within the domain prescribed as the general site, the level of regolith to bedrock should be measured in advance or in situ.  This proportion may affect which area to cement, taking into account too the various sized rocks in different density populating the surface as well as the levelness of the ground plane. 

The depths of regolith to bedrock may be relevant when considering to what depths the cementing should occur, and also risk factors insofar as equipment safety as well as stability of the eventual foundation. General consideration to site involves the amount of debris that have to be transported and moved to alternative locations, and the average slope to zero which is desirable for any installation that has to be lowered with approximation.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

 I think creating digital environments for outer space begins with orthogonal internetworking components installed alongside central components on a unit, allowing point to point transmission and relay.  Installation could be undertaken for as many units as the progress allows.  The complicated task involves not broadcasting unique object information through updating pings ie. reciprocal transmissions that update information of object and network, but projecting transmission schedules and conservation of power. That is as far as my working file shows: to envision digital environment for use in outer space.

working file on - link

Thursday, October 27, 2022

the most comprehensive vision grounded in reality to date
by Mr Armstrong and Mr Aldrin


my preliminary notes in pdf on link
the page above in pdf link

 We have to cement the ground for a foundation for the platform and also a safe zone of transiting without the danger of fine lunar dust.  Here is a schematic of the machinery.

Friday, October 14, 2022

 We are to place objects at L1 and L2 Lagrange points.

So far we have not developed the capacity for noninterfering trajectories between objects to the same location.

We should need to develop this capacity of locating various objects to a place in space such that their trajectories would not cross by coincidence yet are at calculable distances from each other. If their spatial relations can be static, we should have a new class of relations, ie. the fixed distance relation.  Objects in such relational trajectory placement may need constant monitoring and periodic adjustments to their motion in position, such that an additional function, that of movement, will need to be added to the list of functionalities.  Overall tracking systems, whether objects were developed by the same party or by different entities, will require a universal aspect or common denominating platform.

Monday, October 10, 2022

GATEWAY in orbit around the moon 

- needs to be in geostationary orbit (how stable?) for deployment and transmission functions to be logical and viable

- such as deployment of platform, landing of astronauts in the same area, transmission of energy via lasers onto an array installed on the ground

- is this possible at the moment, to place and maintain GATEWAY in geosynchronous orbit of the moon from Earth?

Saturday, September 3, 2022

 With the chemical process for cementization of lunar regolith preliminarily ready...

We should need soon development on 

rapid CO2 to O2 conversion processes

Any taker

Monday, August 22, 2022

 To learn to land especially the larger platform where there is no in situ pilot and rather through remote means, we'll need a program to practice and experiment with landing objects on the moon

remember we also need triangulation guidance system to be placed whether in space through geostationary satellites or on the surface

Thursday, August 18, 2022

 Of priority is the cementing process

robotic, chemical Action to cement large patch for deployment of the platform

at depth

area by area, portion by portion (imagine "combing the deserts" in Space Balls"

rotating layer-by-layer mechanics to patch at measured depths a solid and level ground plane 

*worry about deployment later as reverse propulsion rockets will dissipate cement only to such size particles and produce only negligible amount of micrometer particles (as those are harmful to health)

-more later 20220818

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

“Desolation, it being so far northward that it came into the land which had been peopled and been destroyed, of whose bones we have spoken, which was discovered by the people of Zarahemia, it being the place of their first landing.”

From the Book of Mormon

"Magnificent desolation." 
Dr Buzz Aldrin, upon arrival on the Moon


Friday, June 10, 2022



*Design appears to be of monument typology.

OPEN CALL to space architects everywhere:

New spaceship designs. For our future. All welcomed.

Date: Immediate

Criteria: Adoptability for the present time or future, and or innovatibility for outer space development

Award: Circulation of design as most currently presentable. Consideration for collection into repository. Current utility through abstract adoption.

Submission method: Email. Any Photoshop compatible format. Acknowledgment will be sent in reply for all submissions.


Sunday, May 22, 2022

 There shall be a need with the new company to communicate with the older administration for connection and disclosure to examine the various records of administrative affairs.  Such will reveal how with or without the open sourced aspect and dimension of business transactions already in place and now in some cases past in the public business sphere.  Reference in the sense of having available for study and referral may yet yield extraordinary insights and clues into how it was done before and how it should be done now.  

Thursday, March 10, 2022


cosmic matter, in search of _

"Why did you want to climb Mount Everest?" 
"Because it's there"

Saturday, February 26, 2022



     > hypothesis: camera light effects as constructive

    > mathematical abstraction of traversal as constructed
        or enacted

Monday, February 14, 2022

 misc notes


   recollection of space tech

   Cluster of functions what in formation how what

- "transshipment point" (L1?)

- "way-station" (L2?)

"libration gateport"

- Way-stations

- Cargo Receiving Holding Outgoing Deployment

- Craft Assembly and Deployment

- Zero-gravity research and manufacturing

- Observatory science


Friday, February 11, 2022

The Premise

     We must hold onto the possibility that the Space Programs do not presuppose a state of conflict. We must establish that our moves can find basis in a state of non-conflict and peace so for the enduring move     Out towards Space _

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Gate[s] back to Earth


- 1 to be proposed for    at pier 39 ...  {working on the design)

[ 1 ... on earth ]  and  { One in Space }

{ One in Space }   and   [ how many ... on earth ]

Saturday, January 29, 2022

this polygon - 




  hexagon == Cube in Ideal Representation

  hexa == ACK


the foundation paradigm

 "I was a child with a dream...

...Just imagine what you can do."

- Sir Richard Branson

on board which spacecraft (?)

Friday, January 28, 2022

restricted networking 2

Temptations of the joint venture with common networking development

The open internet is an epitome in the making of the democratic impulse in its continuation

Required for outer space is internetworking with secured transmissions and spaces

No deterrents, access controls, or workarounds would be sufficient for definite security

Public consensus could be canvased and and supportive trade be built through distributed negotiation

As such, independent network architecture is required

Beyond notions of universality of network protocols

Consider limits of cryptography, access control, etc.

The separation of modes of access

Must transit over extant knowledge:

The orthogonality of nets beyond earth is not an impossible problem.

Monday, January 24, 2022

the solar neighborhood

 re: on the matter of scale

in common time

     presently, a variety of durations dependent upon each endeavor (eg. space probe, rover, satellite)


in spatial extents

    determining the perimeter or outer limits for the advent of built formulations

     "near earth :: space :: deep space".    (from ION lecture)

    setting spatial limits with boundary objects and geodetic bounds (projective through actualization)

  > The Inner Solar System:-

  To not exit out of projective cast of the possible, the cast forwarded by projection for a realistic span of time.

( > Then within the larger zone traversed by far-travelling probes)

Etienne Boulle: The encapsulation of a sphere of immensity, that direction of Boulle's.  To draw a boundary, to ascribe containment, to sense possession as this grand space possesses oneself.  Those stars, ever so far away, in immeasurable distances, in undecipherable distances, in an unknown relativity.  All those relativities of distances - which ones closer, which ones further?  A field is but an image, there were before instrumentation no knowables in that matrix of stars.  How arranged?  How set?  Then, finally, how in motion?  To ask, where are we, we only know - this, here, and no more.  Some say, we are in the midst of nothing, slyly and coyly hiding that he knew of the unknown, and what is more, what is unknowable.  Have we not gone a distance - a distance in time, a distance in civilization's make?  This, here - this is here where we find ourselves with the first clue of knowing a bit, not even a byte, but a quantum of a bit, of where we are situated in the midst of these so many the true manifold and the true immensities.  We find that it is not nothing at all, but a great grandeur composed of a true multitude, to say, a virtual infinitude of stars and planets and beings and objects - how we did begin to ascribe the boundaries in first saying such is a solid...

To soar or stand still: to stand, to elevate - lift.  Where was the center - where I am, where we are, where the Earth is.  Revolution.  This is one's center, the center of Earth's system is the sun - helio.  For five more centuries it did not matter where the system was, and still, we remained bound to the Earth.  But before or just after four centuries of the five passed - Revolution, again.

The Expansion.  The Origin.  The relativistic nature of moving bodies.  Time itself came into the fold - dimensionality understood as constructed, a reduction for comprehension, yet.  

The task to construct has become real in the physical sense.  Beyond but including the mind, what is known as mass and matter itself complexifies and becomes malleable into forms that could be placed into trajectories.  Ever so precisely could these objects be thrown into the unknown, previously unknown?  Knowable by our own tracks space has become...

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Seeking: pilot-astronaut (orbiter); deployment-astronaut (the Landing)


  • Suit Lowered center of gravity Layered High density (dust problem)

  • Transport Launch Towing Deployment-from-Orbiter (so-called "Gateway") Lander
  • Platform Shells
  • Propulsion various Launch Traversal Descent Cold Micro

  • Geodetic unit Metastructure
  • Levelling

  • Dust and particles Bot swarm Hatch system
  • Positioning Survey markers Position anchors
  • Energy Solar Scaled-up nuclear
  • Air and Re-cycling
  • Water and Re-cycling
  • Food and crops "Space agriculture"
  • Furnishings Stryker sleep pads
  • Health Hygiene Biofeedback Provisions
  • return adaptation

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

 Index :: Prolegomenon

Apollo Program Project Mercury Gemini Program

Mars Spirit Rover Mars Opportunity Rover Mars Curiosity Rover

Space Shuttle Atlantis Space Shuttle Challenger Space Shuttle Columbia Space Shuttle Endeavour Space Shuttle Discovery



building information depth from the index, layers of public-private


Saturday, January 8, 2022













    (scaling from far to near: environs and approach)

    [integrate multiple systems 

     ie. representations of reference frames:

         correspondence to control panels (?)

     eg. earth(longitude,latitude) :: lunar :: celestial(heliocentric)


     ie. render in: wireframe | 3D | rendered | diagrammatic | (custom)


    <prototyp a universal coordinate[s] sys] (use of svg)



    . in lunar coordinates finds Equatorial sector, Mppn








-Alternative representations

    . pure mathematical-geometrical

    . rendered-"metaverse-like"

    . historical-art/architectural/  ... /myth



private dev of exclusive information spaces, to be tailored for space? 

coordinated between government and commercial ventures

distinct from development of network structures (ie. internetworking) to enable digital dimensions made for space and also development of its restrictive nature




Thursday, December 30, 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Instruments in space traversal-transit and inhabitation)

From the call for Surveyal Instruments to be used on Artemis or any lunar missions:











From the call for Guidence Instruments [space, terrain]

From the call for Observatory Instruments

*Please secure my email so I can receive the concept stash

Monday, October 4, 2021

restricted networking 1 (unsorted notes)

-- do not modify this or any post - dishonor on you for not leaving even a signature and not abiding by the code

noted from "ION implementation of DTN"

-further automation    [for such as: orbiters, landers, probes, sensors, robots...]

-advance outer space appropriate hardware for computing and data storage and service

*Interestingly, web1 was entirely consisting of data being served, while web2 was data being exchanged. The transformation of data into information happens at the user. What is the nature of web3 and would its distributed nature be of interest to such as these endeavors...?

>negotiations for long term arrangements

Re the protection of restricted nature of the digital dimension intended for use in space

-credit past developments from extant space technology where use was found on Earth, or associations 

  -incl. vacuum cleaner, conveyor belt: how describe this type of trade relation between national space front and commercial front, and if any policy could support/reinforce

( -suppose there were discarded or abandoned developments:

   -whether possible to suppose there were items abandoned and marked for discard, in view that all projects must have had substantial potential)

(  -yet, declassification affects the momentum of department:

   -where relevant, collection and management of content that had undergone declassification as capital held and protected by the commons, reserved for present and future responsible use (?)

(-towards the necessity of separating dev of space nets and earth nets and the Internet

/Missions communications model > Delay/Disruption tolerant network: extant spacecrafts, new nodes

- req economical use of bandwidth for transmission and reception

-nodes having only sufficient computing/storage capacity    

> streamlining outer space appropriate computing and data storage to be future oriented

- at a company: in-house novel projects orientational to prevent openness of networks to close and to preserve original vision of Internet

-exchange of 

PRIMERS to develop products of utility for Earth from extant/expired (?)  space technologies, for

RESTRICTIVE NATURE & DEV of extraterrestrial networks for space use only - 

transmissions, extremely expensive objects as orbiters and rovers [in space - equivalent to earlier vision of now-IoT devices as being within closed loops (?)], outer space restricted digital dimensions

The exclusivity of space networks depend not only upon the necessity for orthogonality between bands for the functioning of devices, modules, or units, but

the capital invested and the meaning weighting each item rends the importance of protecting against external forces; for

the spaceworthiness of each rests on the multiplicity of efforts and expenses, and

prototypical nature of each unit and its networks is not replicable but unique by each make.


- Rationale | for restricting networks in Space

   units / objects_ capital invested and locked/weighting each

                            unique/prototypical nature

                            where enactment is not experimental but 

                              - of utmost spaceworthiness)

    - requirement for more automation techniques (for the large number of non-human agents expected to be operative in extraterrestrial environments)

(- defense thinking for restricting outer space networks and their development)

- compare 'exclusionary' versus 'restrictive' quality in networks: commercially driven networks where appropriate can be exclusionary to include measures like encryption and specific security; while communications for astronauts and IoT or internal networking of hardware components necessitate restrictions against external access or even access through common earthbound nets

The dream to be spacefaring unites us.


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

a clean orbit

     prevent further accumulation of space junk

  by equipping new satellites

with Re-entry Capability

Old space junk includes intact and not-intact defunct satellites

- unknown number of pieces of different sizes

- impacts on defunct orbiting crafts that result in pieces ranging in scale down to micrometeorites

- even very small debris poses extraordinary risk to spacecraft

Thick adhesive coating and fine mesh to cover in entirety the exterior of an orbiting craft to prevent debris from forming from very small impacts 

- the strongly and specifically adhesive material has a fine three-dimensional structural mesh interwoven into it skeletally (Ann)

- example, sturdy strong substance effectively gel-like, fused with fine lattice structure composed of three dimensional layering and include a sort of cross hatching to maximize coincidence with incoming debris

- alternatively, whether there are special applications of something like graphene

Re-entry capability for wide-spread expired satellites' splashdowns in the ocean requires

the streamlining of existing monitoring and reentry technology

- could be open sourced if the application were developed in view of our common future in space

An integrated package:

- monitoring/tracking coordinates of position in orbit

- reentry guidance software

- micro rockets (Armstrong) or small propulsion system 

We will be a space faring civilization.

    *-Received receipt -    



- Parallel home computing plus telescope time to search pieces: ie where over earth are they?

- storehouse of experimental data for sim of aerobraking 

hello Architecture, which hitherto was inseparable from the earth, is separating itself from it by expanding towards the universe. -Kishinev Kurokawa