Monday, July 8, 2024

From log of dialog today with astronauts of Apollo, and other initial conceptual notes on what sought to Uncle Sam’s Studio

[account personal regarding decades of work at home and abroad concerning the relation between proposed utility and actual over term utility of traditional scales, that weigh in metric values the balance between mass and gravitational pull countered or other-wise, for determining how rights to voyage in flight for instance specific at airports for each individual, and subsequent non subscription by personal observations by many even pilots, to what later understood to be of much importance for the American efforts for presidency over the nation-state of the United States of America, ie. “I am the President The United States of America” on many planes {apparently, 2024 summer in July in. Canada} - visiting many places and peoples [in diplomacy ?]; (while Mr Armstrong, default in charge president likely due long and established history of family and associates and assumed learning and proven works, also visited possibly even at times with formerly mentioned space pilot also, did comparable work thought by many as equally if not significantly important due attention to culture American as welll distinct and other, hoped by this author to also situate in diplomacy field of work that safeguards not only American interest for state and nation and too all other places and peoples beyond our own, to this celestial sphere where we are on the surface of, for peace and for Humanity, this place inside the enormity of what beyond this planet loosely called Outer Space in America. ]

<to half-joking (ie, rel. to “wit”) request for any contribution in slogan or any verbal expression in writing, for transcription in video or audio, to the little known project [first legal document to lay out premises still in writing by this author, this writing whose first draftcopy is nowhere even close to complete {continue to request replacement of this textcopy post random action in modification with nonsensical purposes to that no alteration should be let upon legal basis related to current issue called “intellectual property”} where “in some far far far future in the near near near land of the United States of America, all Americans can come home to the American Dream”, care-of Uncle Sam’s Studio, which now with many efforts still requiring collecting and legal review for promotion of many national agenda including communication requested by the People in the years of term by Mr President Trump beginning in year 2016 and closing in year 2020 and other items such as national morale and future discovery, as well as continuance for manned mission s to Outer Space, the title of this legal document “Petition to Return Home to the United States of America”, which includes the thought for peace and cooperative action allowing communication of findings of Americans at termed residence and at business of all sorts overseas to organized perception and understanding in the US of A:

Ha!!!      .?Aldrin DATETIMEofEntry202407081443






-“c’est mon crime, crème eece, crime ice, crème glace, glass glass glass… creme crime crème bla bla bla ci ci si ca ca ca — crazy thought is random talk”

-“I must telephoner nobody does that even make sense”

hello Architecture, which hitherto was inseparable from the earth, is separating itself from it by expanding towards the universe. -Kishinev Kurokawa