Leaked from new issue unpublished of Oildrop the tabloid:
"With Artemis secured with the will
of more than one hundred million,
the Apollo astronauts were caught
on hidden camera on Undercover Boss
the syndicated cable television
series on NMA, the new news media
channel under Trump conglomerate
secretly backed by Google muulti-
billionaire Larry Page and assoc-
iates. Although largely jumbled and
encrypted by forced retirement proto-
cols for personnel whose ranks super-
cede CIA directorship and other equal-
ly revered positions in American citi-
zenship, namely, to work under the
psychiatric label but not category of
“senility” (various spellings), the
apparent disclosure or confession,
unforced, appears to be regarding a
long viewed as illicit relationship
with a younger man, this implicating
now “Showboat Aldrin”, but this more
than sixty years ago. The implication
directly stated by the pilot to the
moon is that not only did a sensual
and sexual relationship occur by
intention with the famous rockstar
when he was only a mere babe or pebble
star, in fact, it was all under the
consensus of every star aspirant, whe-
ther civilian, military, rock star or
king, or hero “status”. The disclosure
shocked only a few in the audience,
for the actual memory amongst real
Americans consist of the amazing movie
concerning the motion of a gigantic
rock out of the way from hitting our
celestial body the Earth, which foreign-
ers still to date suspect concerns not
all acts of American heroism but the
real but concealed horrors of outer
space. Unrelatedly, the Chinese contin-
ues to insist that the decree for “pin-
min” to no longer look at outer space
if it scares them may truly have come
from imperial society somewhere if not
directly from the personnage who may yet
be busy elsewhere concerning the harmony
of the spheres. Other tabloids fail to
comment at the present time concerning
the verity of this news story which
probably would have been there for all
to see if not for the unfortunate discu-
ssion all the rage right now about why
cannibis still remains a question despi-
te its overwhelming medicinal value to
a people whose autonomy and independence
was never questioned in the free choice
use or enjoyment of illicit drugs while
other civilizations’ drugs of choice
remain far behind, especially when it
is always pushed rather than offered.
In response to the barrage numbering
the odd letter that trickles through,
the rockstar Aerosmith could offer only
that stardom has to do with discretion
in using metaphor and imperfect language
to discuss intimacy that is too “touchy-
feely” for most even when those in
“parent” positions continue to grapple
with vulgar definitions of “abuse”. He
adds further that it is not so much
whether it was this Mr A or that Mr A
who may have committed whatever faux-
pass, but that he had made this choice
for stardom when he was barely more than
one year old and never did he look back.
Canadian psychiatrists continue to agree
at 100% that psychiatric diseases really
exist despite many projections explaining
that after seeing the rockstar Aerosmith,
the chances for the survival of the disci-
pline is null, which some academics do
offer on both sides of the border, in the
word, does begin to explain the mystery
of outer space. Jeff Bezos refuse to
comment yet again."