Saturday, February 26, 2022



     > hypothesis: camera light effects as constructive

    > mathematical abstraction of traversal as constructed
        or enacted

Monday, February 14, 2022

 misc notes


   recollection of space tech

   Cluster of functions what in formation how what

- "transshipment point" (L1?)

- "way-station" (L2?)

"libration gateport"

- Way-stations

- Cargo Receiving Holding Outgoing Deployment

- Craft Assembly and Deployment

- Zero-gravity research and manufacturing

- Observatory science


Friday, February 11, 2022

The Premise

     We must hold onto the possibility that the Space Programs do not presuppose a state of conflict. We must establish that our moves can find basis in a state of non-conflict and peace so for the enduring move     Out towards Space _

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Gate[s] back to Earth


- 1 to be proposed for    at pier 39 ...  {working on the design)

[ 1 ... on earth ]  and  { One in Space }

{ One in Space }   and   [ how many ... on earth ]

hello Architecture, which hitherto was inseparable from the earth, is separating itself from it by expanding towards the universe. -Kishinev Kurokawa